Topaz Detailing
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What (CCT) color temperature did we use?
We used 5500K color temperature (CCT) lighting for Topaz Car Detailing workshop in Dubai to provide a daylight-like environment, enhancing visibility and color accuracy, crucial for high-end detailing and precision work.
What is the overall power (kW) for the lighting?
The overall lighting power load is 44.674kW
What is the overall area (sq.m) of the facility?
The overall area of the Topaz facility is 3,420sq.m
Does the (LPD) lighting power density comply with green building regulations?
According to the Dubai Municipality Green Building Regulations DM - Green Building Regulations The (LPD) lighting power density for workshops should be less than 14W/sq.m to comply with Green Building Regulations.
The LPD for the Topaz Detailing workshop is 13.06W/sq.m, therefore it complies with Dubai Municipality Green Building Regulations
1. Design Concept Stage
2. Detailed Design Stage
3. Execution Stage